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I'm a feminist but I think that romance has been taken away a bit for my generation. I think what people connect with in novels is this idea of an overpowering encompassing love - and it being more important and special than anything and everything else.

I have enormous respect for Tom Daschle. The NRA has not yet taken a formal position on which I'm aware of on this matter and I think Tom may be just getting a little ahead of things.

It's taken folk a while to come around hasn't it? Even the boys in the band weren't too sure about the whole art thing. They just wanted me to concentrate on the music. But they respect it now.

Listen I have a great affection and respect for Joe Biden. I think he's been a great vice president. He's taken on a lot of tough assignments for our administration.

It goes without saying that the desire to accomplish the task with more confidence to avoid wasting time and labour and to spare our experimental animals as much as possible made us strictly observe all the precautions taken by surgeons in respect to their patients.

I like to be bought flowers and taken out for dinner. I like a man to be a gentleman. I don't like to be treated as if I am brainless. I like to be respected and to give respect.

In Europe art has to a large degree taken the place of religion. In America it seems rather to be science.

There is a holy mistaken zeal in politics as well as in religion. By persuading others we convince ourselves.

My first memories of religion were being taken to Episcopal church. My father was Catholic but my mother I believe was Episcopal. So I sort of veered off into the watered-down version of Catholicism.

I've seen it too many times in Hollywood. Talking about a relationship in public can jinx it. And if you have your picture taken together you might as well start packing your bags.

There is no substitute for the comfort supplied by the utterly taken-for-granted relationship.

Power can be taken but not given. The process of the taking is empowerment in itself.

The constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress therefore no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure.

Of course a positive growth rate might be taken as evidence that a population is below its optimum.

Positive adj.: Mistaken at the top of one's voice.

To be positive is to be mistaken at the top of one's voice.

Politics is much too serious to be taken too seriously equally there are many aspects of it so laughable as to be lamentable.

It isn't fate but fecklessness that has shoved Sarah Palin to the sidelines of national politics. The real tragedy is that she's taken a lot of other serious Republican women with her.

These days politics religion media seem to get all mixed up. Television became the new religion a long time back and the media has taken over.

When I became leader I made very clear I was not going to choose the easy life. I have always taken risks. I don't like comfort-zone politics.

The advantage of the internet is that it has taken away the charade of politics. China has heard of democracy and people know about certain concepts they wouldn't have previously.

To rely upon conviction devotion and other excellent spiritual qualities that is not to be taken seriously in politics.

That's a wonderful change that's taken place and so most poetry today is published if not directly by the person certainly by the enterprise of the poet himself working with his friends.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off I know that is poetry.