Search For tomorrow In Quotes 137

The regrets of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow can kill you.

We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays.

I'm famous today. People like me today. Might not like me tomorrow. You can't count on it.

I'm getting older now so I should think about a family but certainly not tomorrow.

Skepticism riddling the faith of yesterday prepared the way for the faith of tomorrow.

Faith sir we are here today and gone tomorrow.

Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.

Don't take too much comfort in the fact that you're successful today because tomorrow could bring failure. There's no surety in life.

We face a choice this election. President Obama is fighting for changes that grow the economy from the middle out and help all Americans succeed - jobs education health reform the DREAM Act equal pay for women. He is moving us forward with opportunity today for prosperity tomorrow. Mitt Romney wants to take us back to yesterday.

Together we can and must fight for justice for our children and protect them from draconian tax cuts and budget choices that threaten their survival education and preparation for the future. If they are not ready for tomorrow neither is America.

The world we build tomorrow is born in the stories we tell our children today. Politics moves the pieces. Education changes the game.

Education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Lonesome. Lonesome. I know what it means. Here all by my lonesome dreaming empty dreams. Weary. Weary at the close of day wondering if tomorrow brings me joy or sorrow.

Dreaming of a tomorrow which tomorrow will be as distant then as 'tis today.

Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.

Yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.

I do what I love to do at the moment. If I wake up tomorrow and decide I want to dance that's what I'd do. Or design clothes. I think I'd throw myself into whatever I'm doing now. It's not about abandoning what I was doing before or giving up. It's about knowing that if I die tomorrow I lived the way I wanted to.

I don't set goals. Like that's what I want to be doing however many years from now. I do what I love to do at the moment. If I wake up tomorrow and decide I want to dance that's what I'd do. Or design clothes.

As far as my divorce goes I love my family and I love my wife to death and I just don't know what tomorrow's going to bring.

There's something about death that is comforting. The thought that you could die tomorrow frees you to appreciate your life now.

No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow.

You know the man of my dreams might walk round the corner tomorrow. I'm older and wiser and I think I'd make a great girlfriend. I live in the realm of romantic possibility.

You take a number of small steps which you believe are right thinking maybe tomorrow somebody will treat this as a dangerous provocation. And then you wait. If there is no reaction you take another step: courage is only an accumulation of small steps.

I represent the kids who come from nothing but who understand it all and love it all. That's what I represent - those are the cool kids you know the kids of tomorrow because who would've known that I'd be who I am today? We are the kids of tomorrow.