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You can learn more from the lows than the highs. The highs are great but the lows make you really look at things in a different way and want to improve. Every player will have both in their careers and I have but what you get is that experience which is so important to perform at your best.

Search For birth In Quotes 302

My mom won't let me buy high-fashion stuff unless it's TK Maxx or a birthday occasion.

I get uncomfortable when people give me presents and watch me open them. I don't have birthday parties because the idea of a group of people singing and looking at me while I'm blowing out candles gives me hives.

I was fired at the pinnacle of my career on my 39th birthday. And in the year that followed I learned that there are many psychological phases of being 'let go.'

With my daughter we do arts and crafts we read a lot we listen to music and we cut the strings off balloons and bounce them around after birthday parties.

We didn't have a whole lot of money when I was growing up either. I would always ask for magic books or magic tricks for my birthday or for Christmas and the rest of the year I either had to mow lawns or find part time jobs to help supplement the cost of doing magic.

I play PC and Xbox games at home and I just got a PSP as a birthday present.

I've never looked forward to a birthday like I'm looking forward to my new daughter's birthday because two days after that is when I can apply for reinstatement.

For the youth the indignation of most things will just surge as each birthday passes.

I worked at an ice cream parlor called Chadwicks. We wore old-timey outfits and had to bang a drum play a kazoo and sing 'Happy Birthday' to people while giving them free birthday sundaes. Lots of ice cream scooping and $1 tips.

Citizens thank you for all your birthday wishes. I am 88 years old today and still lucky to live in the greatest city in the world.

You know we'd just had a birthday he was... you know he still had a future out of him and all I can is he was just one of the most beautiful people in the world... a very gifted man and it's a loss to the world not just for us.

The reason I met my husband was because I remembered a friend's birthday. The moral of the story is: Remember people's birthdays.

I saw Richard Linklater's film 'Slacker' for my twenty-first birthday. That was the moment when it all seemed possible. This guy gave me hope.

I hate birthdays. I hate birthday parties. I hate them. I don't know what it is anybody's only got to come wafting near me with a piece of cake with a candle on and I break out in hives.

The day before my 16th birthday I got my guitar.

I have had fans make me the big picture collages of the photo books I have had fans send me birthday cakes... sing to me on my voicemail. I have had fans flash me. I have had older fans give me their bras and underwear onstage.

John Candy knew he was going to die. He told me on his 40th birthday. He said well Maureen I'm on borrowed time.

All my favorite stars my family and my friends are here. I'm having the happiest birthday that an 18-year-old girl could ever have.

As I approach my 88th birthday it's become apparent to me that my eyes and ears among other appurtenances aren't quite what they used to be. The prospect of long flights to wherever in search of whatever are not quite as appealing.

The first guitar I ever got was for my 13th birthday.

I'm over the moon to be involved in the 'Doctor Who' Christmas special. I can't quite believe it as it's a part of the family tradition at the Jenkins household. I heard the news that I got the role on my 30th birthday and it was the best birthday present ever.

The Queen of Crafts herself Martha Stewart and I have the same birthday. I prefer to think it's the glue-gun wielding perfect-tart-producing Martha and not the copper pan-throwing jail-going Martha. But I suppose if I am going to share a calendar square with some of Martha I have to share it with all of Martha.

I'm a summer baby so I usually have my birthday as a good summer memory.

Since graduation I have measured time in 4-by-5-inch pieces of paper four days on the left and three on the right. Every social engagement interview reading flight doctor's appointment birthday and dry-cleaning reminder has been handwritten between metal loops.