Search For leave In Quotes 413

For a while I couldn't leave the house by myself. Even if I was just grocery shopping alone I'd get self-conscious.

For people who are really talented what you don't say becomes extremely important. You have to judge what to say and what to leave alone so you can let the talent develop.

There's a sense of aliveness that comes from connection shared experience. And you see it in every place. You see it when ball players jump up and down gather at home plate hugging and it's not just because they're winning it's that shared moment that feeling of - we enter the world alone we leave alone.

And I don't have any specific steps to take because I don't start the same way every time. But there is a knowing when it's enough and you can leave it alone.

I don't like to produce albums. I hate producing albums as a matter of fact because I'm an obsessed mixer and I can't leave it alone.

President Johnson did not want the Vietnam War to broaden. He wanted the North Vietnamese to leave their brothers in the South alone.

Highly educated young people are tutored taught and monitored in all aspects of their lives except the most important which is character building. When it comes to this most universities leave them alone.

That song is a story that shows how easily you could get slipped into being labeled as the bad guy even though what you really trying to do is tell the bad guy to leave you alone.

But if you observe children learning in their first few years of life you can see that they can and do learn on their own - we leave them alone to crawl walk talk and gain control over their bodies. It happens without much help from parents.

We enter the world alone we leave the world alone.

It's good that the first half of the speech emphasized freedom because George W. Bush has been the global champion for freedom. As he said if we don't fight tyranny it will not leave us alone in peace.

I don't wanna hear nobody complain that they're getting paid all this money and people won't leave them alone. It's part of it.

Why can't everybody leave everybody else the hell alone.

When I was in my early 20s I had my hair permed. Bad idea! It turned into total frizz. My advice to women is if you have nice hair already don't get a perm leave your hair alone!

I delight in my family obligations but they leave little time for breaks let alone quick trips across the country.

You can either invade a country or leave them alone and trade with them. When goods cross borders armies don't.

Some players you pat their butts some players you kick their butts some players you leave alone.

Americans different in some maybe thoughts or emphasis still have the same ideas. They want a government that lets them be free that leaves them alone that doesn't interrupt and interfere with every aspect of their life that lets them go to work and keep more of what they've worked hard to have.

People like eccentrics. Therefore they will leave me alone saying that I am a mad clown.

I'm really lucky that my record companies have been patient with me and leave me alone and give me the time to make it right in my mind.

However anyone to whom this happens should not leave his room upon awakening should speak to no-one but remain alone and sober until everything comes back to him and he recalls the dream.

I try to push ideas away and the ones that will not leave me alone are the ones that ultimately end up happening.

I'm not a rock star. Sure I am to a certain extent because of the situation but when kids ask me how it feels to be a rock star I say leave me alone I'm not a rock star. I'm not in it for the fame I'm in it because I like to play.

Solitude though it may be silent as light is like light the mightiest of agencies for solitude is essential to man. All men come into this world alone and leave it alone.