Search For forget In Quotes 250

It is never too late to get into tennis! While I started playing at the age of 8 when my parents gave me a tennis racquet for Christmas tennis is a lifelong sport that can be enjoyed by people of almost any age. It's also something you never forget once you learn.

My wife whenever I'd go off to work and I'd be kind of anxious she'll say 'Remember have fun.' Oh I forgot thanks for the reminder. Because sometimes we do forget. We take it all too seriously and there's a lot of joy to be had wherever you are.

Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live.

Concentrate on your job and you will forget your other troubles.

If you don't love yourself you can't love anybody else. And I think as women we really forget that.

However great an evil immorality may be we must not forget that it is not without its beneficial consequences. It is only through extremes that men can arrive at the middle path of wisdom and virtue.

There are people who cannot forget as neither do I the lesson of the years of the Indochina War. Which was first that the state is capable of being a murderer. A mass murderer and a conspirator and a liar.

Even philosophers will praise war as ennobling mankind forgetting the Greek who said: 'War is bad in that it begets more evil than it kills.'

If any man seeks for greatness let him forget greatness and ask for truth and he will find both.

Your days are short here this is the last of your springs. And now in the serenity and quiet of this lovely place touch the depths of truth feel the hem of Heaven. You will go away with old good friends. And don't forget when you leave why you came.

Some directors cast you because they trust you to do the performance - but then they forget to direct you.

Let us not forget that the European Community started as a project for peace after the terrible Second World War. And today people take for granted the freedom to travel to study to work abroad. And the citizens of one country have almost exactly the same rights as another country.

Southern political personalities like sweet corn travel badly. They lose flavor with every hundred yards away from the patch. By the time they reach New York they are like Golden Bantam that has been trucked up from Texas - stale and unprofitable. The consumer forgets that the corn tastes different where it grows.

The thing about Hemingway that people forget is that all the stuff he did was at a time where people weren't traveling that much. At 19 he travels to Italy. He goes to the Spanish Civil War. He goes to China he goes to Africa so at that time to travel that much is really incredible.

I can mention many moments that were unforgettable and revelatory. But the most single revelatory three minutes was the first time I put on scuba gear and dived on a coral reef. It's just the unbelievable fact that you can move in three dimensions.

Don't forget it's daylight savings time. You spring forward then you fall back. It's like Robert Downey Jr. getting out of bed.

All my life whenever it comes time to make a decision I make it and forget about it.

I try to forget about the expectation that's out there and the audience listening for the next thing so that I'm not trying to please them. I've spent a huge amount of time not communicating with those folks and denying that they exist.

I remember the first time I saw the 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' video. I will never forget that day. I just wanted to see Kurt Cobain's face. I had a feeling he was very cute. But I couldn't see his face. When I finally did see him he was even cuter than I imagined!

Advancements in technology have become so commonplace that sometimes we forget to stop and think about how incredible it is that a girl on her laptop in Texas can see photos and cell phone video in real time that a young college student has posted of a rally he's at in Iran.

Every time somebody tries to go in and reinvent what we do it always ends up being more about technology and sets and flash and dash forgetting the main thing which is interesting people saying interesting important things.

In some cases inventions prohibit innovation because we're so caught up in playing with the technology we forget about the fact that it was supposed to be important.

The heart forgets its sorrow and ache.

When making music I sink myself into the process as deeply as I can and forget all of the success.