Search For worth In Quotes 367

Creativity is a great motivator because it makes people interested in what they are doing. Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone. Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting.

No man is worth his salt who is not ready at all times to risk his well-being to risk his body to risk his life in a great cause.

The wise man does not expose himself needlessly to danger since there are few things for which he cares sufficiently but he is willing in great crises to give even his life - knowing that under certain conditions it is not worthwhile to live.

Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. Whether it be true or not I can say for one that I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed of my fellow men by rendering myself worthy of their esteem.

A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money.

A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions.

When man lives under government he is fallen his worth is gone and his nature tarnished.

As long as our government is administered for the good of the people and is regulated by their will as long as it secures to us the rights of persons and of property liberty of conscience and of the press it will be worth defending.

Democracy is worth dying for because it's the most deeply honorable form of government ever devised by man.

Only government can take perfectly good paper cover it with perfectly good ink and make the combination worthless.

Depend upon yourself. Make your judgement trustworthy by trusting it. You can develop good judgement as you do the muscles of your body - by judicious daily exercise. To be known as a man of sound judgement will be much in your favor.

Good nature is worth more than knowledge more than money more than honor to the persons who possess it.

Commitment is a big part of what I am and what I believe. How committed are you to winning? How committed are you to being a good friend? To being trustworthy? To being successful? How committed are you to being a good father a good teammate a good role model? There's that moment every morning when you look in the mirror: Are you committed or are you not?

There is no principle worth the name if it is not wholly good.

I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life.

A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice.

If the Lord says to give more than you think you are able to give know that He will provide for you. Whether things are sailing smoothly or the bottom has dropped out He is always trustworthy. You can count on Almighty God to keep His everlasting Word.

It were better to have no opinion of God at all than such a one as is unworthy of him for the one is only belief - the other contempt.

A science which does not bring us nearer to God is worthless.

If I be worthy I live for my God to teach the heathen even though they may despise me.

An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness to serve God with.

Behold a worthy sight to which the God turning his attention to his own work may direct his gaze. Behold an equal thing worthy of a God a brave man matched in conflict with evil fortune.

If I have any worth it is to live my life for God so as to teach these peoples even though some of them still look down on me.

I think that anything that begins to give people a sense of their own worth and dignity is God.