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'Friends' was an education in intelligent comedic banter in intelligent vernacular. It was an education in scene study. It was an education in group dynamic. I came out of there with a master's degree in comedy.

Search For issue In Quotes 363

If you have issues with family friends and people at work try and solve these issues head on so you can move on and concentrate on having the life you want.

I grew up in a family in which political issues were often discussed and debated intensely.

I have a Christian worldview and so it shapes the way that I view issues. I don't apologize for that and I don't think people of faith ought to shrink away from being in the public arena.

I think the issue of clergy sexual abuse sparked people to look at their faith in a different way.

At issue was the question whether this man's faith could prevail against a man whose equal faith it was that this society is sick beyond saving and that mercy itself pleads for its swift extinction and replacement by another.

At issue in the Hiss Case was the question whether this sick society which we call Western civilization could in its extremity still cast up a man whose faith in it was so great that he would voluntarily abandon those things which men hold good including life to defend it.

I haven't chosen to make an issue of faith.

Seven and half years ago I began my own journey. For me and my family it was a time of adversity. But during that adversity I derived a deeper faith. And born out of that adversity was a commitment to devote myself to those people and to those issues that truly matter to me.

My mother's family were full-on Irish Catholics - faith in an elaborate old fashioned highly conservative and madly baroque style. I sort of fell out of the tribe over women's rights and social justice issues when I was just 13 years old.

It's possible that the 2012 general-election race will be the least overtly religious one since 1972 the last campaign before Roe v. Wade and the rise of Jimmy Carter brought evangelicalism into the political mainstream. That's because faith remains a complicated issue for Obama who is still wrongly thought to be a Muslim in some quarters.

The media seems to think only abortion and gay marriage are religious issues. Poverty is a moral issue it's a faith issue it's a religious issue.

I'd like to see much more understanding of emotional issues around hurt abandonment disappointment longing failure and shame where they stem from and how they drive people and policies brought into public discourse.

The failure of world leaders to act on the critical issue of global warming is often blamed on economic considerations.

I've never had issues with popularity. I was always a popular guy... I've always had friends and loved ones and everything so it wasn't like 'Oh man I gotta fill some void that was left by high school.' I had a great high-school experience.

From this experience we have learned that in a big party it is important to have the necessary and often controversial discussions on policy issues such as the health system while in opposition.

I raised five children. They all have different personalities. All of them have different issues different levels of success. That was a learning experience for me.

That's not to say that women's priorities are better than men's. Rather when women are empowered when they can speak from the experience of their own lives they often address different previously neglected issues. And families and whole communities benefit.

Motherhood has completely changed me. It's just about like the most completely humbling experience that I've ever had. I think that it puts you in your place because it really forces you to address the issues that you claim to believe in and if you can't stand up to those principles when you're raising a child forget it.

Life is the only real counselor wisdom unfiltered through personal experience does not become a part of the moral tissue.

Experience is never limited and it is never complete it is an immense sensibility a kind of huge spider-web of the finest silken threads suspended in the chamber of consciousness and catching every air-borne particle in its tissue.

I must take issue with the term 'a mere child ' for it has been my invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely preferable to that of a mere adult.

As a partner in a firm full of women who work outside of the home as well as stay at home mothers all with plenty of children gender equality is not a talking point for me. It is an issue I live every day.

Well my personal mission statement is that we want marriage equality in all 50 states. We want it not to be a state-by-state issue. We don't want it to be something the majority is voting on. I don't think the civil rights of any minority should be in the hands of any majority.

The unionists also for their part want to minimise the potential for change not only on the equality agenda but on the issues of sovereignty and ending the union.