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I really think more fledgling novelists - and many current and even established novelists - should get out into the real world and cover local politics sports culture and crime and write it up on deadline.

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I don't design cars. I'm not a designer. I know what I desire to be built I know what the end result is the horsepower the competition we'll be working against - but I leave it to the people who work with me to put it all together. I don't do anything.

To appear on the stage drunk to have them leave there and remember me making drunken mistakes that was death.

I intend to leave after my death a large fund for the promotion of the peace idea but I am skeptical as to its results.

The end of the animal trade would leave more time to trap or beat to death pop star wannabes.

I'm one of the slowest drivers on the road. I mosey along. If you're doing anything too fast including living life too fast that creates sudden death. If I have to be somewhere on time I make sure I leave early enough.

I feel like I am a real artist and I want to be able to feel what I am singing about. So when I sing 'Leave (Get Out) ' I have been through that. I think it is just a new generation whether people are ready for it or not. Teenagers are dating.

I didn't want to travel. I didn't want to leave my family. I heard all these stories from Dad about not having Edward around when he was young and I didn't want that to happen.

I often talk with other actors about that time when you've just finished a job because I think you do take on the characteristics of some of the characters you play. Sometimes it can be a great thing and sometimes it's a bit haunting because you're not quite sure how to leave it on set. My dad talks about it as being 'de-personalised.'

My mum was raised Jewish my dad is very scientifically minded and my school was vaguely Christian. We sang hymns in school. I liked the hymns bit but apart from that I can take it or leave it. So I had lots of different influences when I was younger.

As my dad said you have an obligation to leave the world better than how you found it. And he also reminded us to be givers in this life and not takers.

My dad had been born in Mexico and his family had to leave during the Mexican revolution.

Wisdom prudence forethought these are essential. But not second to these that noble courage which adventures the right and leaves the consequences to God.

Faced with what is right to leave it undone shows a lack of courage.

You show up in Paris and on the drive from the airport to the hotel you're like 'This is so cool! I want to see something! I want to go to the Eiffel Tower!' And then you leave the next morning. You think Oh I didn't get to do anything. I tell people: I've been just about everywhere but I've seen nothing.

Sydney in the 1960s wasn't the exuberant multicultural metropolis it is today. Out in the city's western reaches days passed in a sun-struck stupor. In the evenings families gathered on their verandas waiting for the 'southerly buster' - the thunderstorm that would break the heat and leave the air cool enough to allow sleep.

51st State was one that I loved doing because the character was so out there and in a way I was sad to leave the character behind. I'm afraid I could never be that cool in real life!

Jazz took too much discipline. You have to come in at the right place which is different than me singing the blues where I can sing 'Oh baby ' if there's a pause in the melody. With jazz you better leave that space open or put in something real cool.

I've noticed that once you leave London you do kind of become a bit more famous. People in London are a bit too cool for school. It's not so unusual to see someone from London in the street. But outside of London people are a bit more excited to see you and come out and support you.

If the machines can take the drudgery out of it and just leave us with the joy of drawing then that's the best of both worlds - and I'll use those computers!

The church acknowledges some Scientologists choose to sever communications with family members who leave. The church says it is a fundamental human right to cease communication with someone. It adds disconnection is used against expelled members and those who attack the church.

Bad human communication leaves us less room to grow.

People with high blood pressure diabetes - those are conditions brought about by life style. If you change the life style those conditions will leave.

The customs and fashions of men change like leaves on the bough some of which go and others come.

Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.