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In rising financial markets the world is forever new. The bull or optimist has no eyes for past or present but only for the future where streams of revenue play in his imagination.

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I used to sports gamble a lot and I was getting killed on that but then I found poker and really enjoyed it. But it was a hobby more than anything else. I played it every day but only on pretty small stakes.

When I was in Birmingham I used to go to a place called Redwood Field. I used to get there for a two o'clock game. Where can you make this kind of money playing sports? It was just a pleasure to go out and enjoy myself and get paid for it.

I believe God created sports for a good reason. It's recreation. It's something that we enjoy. It teaches us a lot as well... I believe God is a sports fan.

When my TV show 'Sports Jobs with Junior Seau ' assigned me to be a 'Sports Illustrated' reporter for a weekend I didn't realize I'd have to squeeze it in around another sports job. I had planned to retire from the NFL to enjoy the cushy lifestyle of a full-time reality TV star but I wound up getting run over by a bull.

I liked the game I enjoyed the game and the game fed me enough and gave me enough rewards to reinforce that this is something that I should spend time doing and that I could possibly make a priority in my life versus other sports.

I enjoy sports in person.

I like sports and I enjoy playing basketball and lifting weights.

Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.

I enjoy what Twitter is because I can really connect with the fans and it's a great way to share information with them and it's also a great way to entertain. I like being able to put a smile on people's faces and letting them know what I'm doing.

When I see myself on film it makes me smile I mean making a good living doing what I enjoy is soo much fun. I just hope that everyone has the chance to enjoy life like I do.

What looks like enjoyment is the sneer of contempt. That's not a smile.

I enjoy jokes smiling and making people smile. I may be a little different but that's OK who wants to be normal anyway?

I quite enjoy science fiction.

I have been a reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy for a long time since I was 11 or 12 I think so I understand it and I'm not at all surprised that readers of the genre might enjoy my books.

Beyond that I seem to be compelled to write science fiction rather than fantasy or mysteries or some other genre more likely to climb onto bestseller lists even though I enjoy reading a wide variety of literature both fiction and nonfiction.

Science fiction readers probably have the gene for novelty and seem to enjoy a cascade of invention as much as a writer enjoys providing one.

I do enjoy reading some science fiction.

I very much enjoyed my career in science. I didn't leave science because I was disillusioned but felt I'd done my bit for it after about twenty-five years.

I think it's a terrible thing to write and not enjoy it. It's a sad thing. But of course a lot of people do work because they need to eat. And we all need to eat but that's not the only reason to work. You couldn't have paid me not to write.

It's fun to sing sad songs. And it's fun to listen to sad songs. Enjoyable. Satisfying. Something.

I enjoyed in every way my 12 years of playing Archie and I wasn't personally sad about finishing a long job.

I can see the humorous side of things and enjoy the fun when it comes but look where I will there seems to me always more sadness than joy in life.

As far as the leading man/romantic lead I'll tell you what I really enjoyed my experience more than I thought or imagined I would on 'Catch and Release.' God bless them if they want to give me another shot at that. I would love to have that as something I can go to on occasion.

If it's a romantic holiday the only thing I need is my wife. We love quiet and calm places where we can't be disturbed. Neither of us likes being in busy places we would much rather stay in our hotel room and enjoy each other's company.