Search For democracy In Quotes 222

The government which was designed for the people has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy.

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.

Without God democracy will not and cannot long endure.

I have made a film about jazz that tries to look through jazz to see what it tells us about who we are as a people. I think that jazz is a spectacularly accurate model of democracy and a kind of look into our redemptive future possibilities.

We need to give the Iraqis a chance to build their own future. It should be in their hands. It must be in their hands. That is what democracy is all about. We can teach it we can explain it but they must want it enough to make it work for them.

The worst thing that can happen in a democracy - as well as in an individual's life - is to become cynical about the future and lose hope.

Israelis can be proud of the vibrant democracy that they have created and I know that many Rhode Islanders share my deep appreciation for the close friendship between our two nations.

Our constitutional liberties shall not be sacrificed in our search for greater security for that is what our enemies and all enemies of freedom and democracy hope to achieve.

The challenge as we saw in the Nigerian project was to restructure the economy decisively in the direction of a modern free market as an appropriate environment for cultivation of freedom and democracy and the natural emergence of a new social order.

When public access to voting is impaired or when public confidence in voting is diluted democracy suffers and our freedom is less secure.

We've got to understand that the whole nature of the way American democracy guards its freedom has been changed.

If a jerk burns the flag America is not threatened democracy is not under siege freedom is not at risk.

By helping readers understand these mechanics I hope they will appreciate why freedom is for everyone why it is essential for our security and why the free world plays a critically important role in advancing democracy around the globe.

The three main sources of scepticism are first that not every people desires freedom second that democracy in certain parts of the world would be dangerous and third that there is little the world's democracies can do to advance freedom outside their countries.

America has never seen itself as a national state like all others but rather as an experiment in human freedom and democracy.

Many people don't understand how disciplined you have to be to play jazz... And that is really the idea of democracy - freedom within the Constitution or discipline. You don't just get out there and do anything you want.

Jazz is about freedom within discipline. Usually a dictatorship like in Russia and Germany will prevent jazz from being played because it just seemed to represent freedom democracy and the United States.

I think there is a heritage which I'm proud of which is a fight for democracy a fight for social justice a fight for freedom. My grandfather went to jail or exile six times in his life fighting for his principles for democracy or for his country. And my father twice.

Liberty freedom and democracy are very fuzzy words but human rights is very specific.

The greatest blessing of our democracy is freedom. But in the last analysis our only freedom is the freedom to discipline ourselves.

A free and truly independent press - fiercely independent when necessary - is the red beating heart of freedom and democracy.

It is true you cannot eat freedom and you cannot power machinery with democracy. But then neither can political prisoners turn on the light in the cells of a dictatorship.

Israel was born under the British mandate. We learned from the British what democracy means and how it behaves in a time of danger war and terror. We thank Britain for introducing freedom and respect of human rights both in normal and demanding circumstances.

America's Veterans have served their country with the belief that democracy and freedom are ideals to be upheld around the world.