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My dad's one of my biggest heroes. I also think Paul Newman's an inspiration. I know a lot of people say that but I love that he's a great role model and a humanitarian. I admire people who don't necessarily want to change the world but try to make it a better environment.

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In the end nature is inexorable: it has no reason to hurry and sooner or later it takes what belongs to it. Unconsciously and inflexibly obedient to its own laws it doesn't know art just as it doesn't know freedom just as it doesn't know goodness.

137 years later Memorial Day remains one of America's most cherished patriotic observances. The spirit of this day has not changed - it remains a day to honor those who died defending our freedom and democracy.

China has to go along with world trends. That's democracy liberty individual freedom. China sooner or later has to go that way. It cannot go backward.

Not like Chinese food where you eat it and then you feel hungry an hour later.

I used to work a lot on food issues and every time somebody predicted that production would be inadequate they got egg on their face a year or two later.

My feelings for Ellen overrode all of my fear about being out as a lesbian. I had to be with her and I just figured I'd deal with the other stuff later.

This is all you have. This is not a dry run. This is your life. If you want to fritter it away with your fears then you will fritter it away but you won't get it back later.

At the time when this famous historical battle was fought in Kosovo the people were looking at the stars expecting aid from them. Now six centuries later they are looking at the stars again waiting to conquer them.

Oh yeah I was one of the first guys writing comic books I wrote Captain America with guys like Stan Lee who became famous later on with Marvel Comics.

Save your rejections so that later when you are famous you can show them to people and laugh.

My family went through divorces and remarriages and the later blended home - and then watched that home explode too.

Growing up in an Italian family you use a harsh tone and 10 minutes later everybody forgets about it.

In five years' time I'd like to be a mum. I want to settle down and have a family definitely sooner rather than later. I'd like to have finished my second album too maybe even my third. I'd like a sound that sticks around that other people are inspired by and that people know is me.

When families are strong and stable so are children - showing higher levels of wellbeing and more positive outcomes. But when things go wrong - either through family breakdown or a damaged parental relationship - the impact on a child's later life can be devastating.

My family frankly they weren't folks who went to church every week. My mother was one of the most spiritual people I knew but she didn't raise me in the church so I came to my Christian faith later in life and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead.

Our failure to properly deal with Germany and Japan early cost the world dearly later on. We dare not make the same mistake with China.

At an incredibly divisive point in pop history Donna Summer managed to create an undeniable across-the-board experience of mass pleasure - after 'Bad Girls ' nobody ever tried claiming disco sucked again. It set the template for what Michael Jackson would do a few months later with 'Off The Wall.'

In fact the experience at Oxford has really helped me later in life.

The most important American addition to the World Experience was the simple surprising fact of America. We have helped prepare mankind for all its later surprises.

Mistakes are painful when they happen but years later a collection of mistakes is what is called experience.

'Pure experience' is the name I gave to the immediate flux of life which furnishes the material to our later reflection with its conceptual categories.

I am sure my fellow-scientists will agree with me if I say that whatever we were able to achieve in our later years had its origin in the experiences of our youth and in the hopes and wishes which were formed before and during our time as students.

Looking back 25 years later what I may say is that the facts have been far better than the dreams. In the long course of cell life on this earth it remained for our age for our generation to receive the full ownership of our inheritance.

If you're the type of person who has to fulfill your dreams you've gotta be resourceful to make sure you can do it. I came out to California when I was 21 thinking my New York credentials would take me all the way. I came back home a year later all dejected and a failure.