Search For needed In Quotes 162

I had some experience in dealing with people who have mental illness and depression but I didn't see the signs in myself. I couldn't ask for help because I didn't know I needed help.

Law without education is a dead letter. With education the needed law follows without effort and of course with power to execute itself indeed it seems to execute itself.

Such schemes take money from people who can least afford to spend it to support an unneeded bureaucracy that eats money people thought they were providing for education.

Why has elegance found so little following? That is the reality of it. Elegance has the disadvantage if that's what it is that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it.

I had some wonderful dreaming meetings. I can't tell you specifically what they've been in the recent months. In the past they've been verbal kinds of messages that he needed to give me. Now they're more dreams of his presence.

My dreams were always small and puny. All I ever needed was a little house with a little picket fence by the sea. Little did I know that I would live in Malacanang Palace for 20 years and visit all the major palaces of mankind. And then also meet ordinary citizens and the leaders of superpowers.

We use our parents like recurring dreams to be entered into when needed.

When the Grateful Dead needed a quality sound system to deliver our sonic payload I learned electronics and speaker design.

I needed to step away from music because the truth was I couldn't be the dad I wanted to be to my kids. My truth was that I could not reconcile the two worlds - the entertainment world and being the dad I wanted to be in the present. You can't substitute time you just can't.

But my father was also the one who told me I needed to clean up my mouth or I'd never find a man. What's very important to him is manners. Show up on time. Always send thank-you letters. He is one of the more thoughtful humans I've ever met. He's a great man and a very good dad.

I knew that I needed to do something that I desperately loved. There was a period where I did question if it was acting because I knew that I would be making things hard on myself. I knew that there was going to be a little bit of a hullabaloo because of my dad being who he is and all that.

When my dad needed a shirt ironed he would yell downstairs to my mother who would drop everything and iron his shirt.

When my father died in my arms it had such a profound affect on me that at that very moment when my dad passed I realized that I needed to face my own fears.

My dad said 'The thing that I was told that was really helpful was that I mustn't be afraid of the things I was afraid of when I was five years old'. The shock of his childhood had put him in this defensive crouch against the world and he needed to know that he had a nice wife and kids and it wasn't the same any more.

My parents were working class folks. My dad was a bartender for most of his life my mom was a maid and a cashier and a stock clerk at WalMart. We were not people of financial means in terms of significant financial means. I always told them 'I didn't always have what I wanted. I always had what I needed.' My parents always provided that.

I think the moments that are difficult for anybody are when you see what your life could be if only you had the courage to take the steps needed.

Such decisions will be far reaching and difficult. But you never lacked courage in the past. Your courage is now needed for the future.

I have visualizations where I'm living in a really cool place - probably outside of town - with a really dope studio where I can record music or film things. Just have my own mini production house. That's really the thing I'd love to end up with the most and only do gigs when I needed to and also amass a little bit of a crew around me.

While the recent addition of the National Guard providing a support role manning computers and cameras has allowed more Border Patrol agents to work the field more agents are still needed.

I think it's harder for people than it should be. But as more and more of us become carbon neutral and change the patterns in our lives to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem we are now beginning to see the changes in policy that are needed.

If we are to change our world view images have to change. The artist now has a very important job to do. He's not a little peripheral figure entertaining rich people he's really needed.

There are things I can't force. I must adjust. There are times when the greatest change needed is a change of my viewpoint.

Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene.

It's just that fun atmosphere working on the car being with the guys. This is exactly what I needed.